Company Timeline

3rd century AD

Leather Production in Roman Britain

The Romans introduced the technologies of vegetable tanning and leather finishing to Britain and leather deposits have been found that can be dated to the third century AD.

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1367 - 1368

Fraternity of Yeoman Curriers Established

A fraternity of yeoman curriers was established in the church of the Carmelites, also known as the White Friars, in Fleet Street. The fraternity was dedicated to the Trinity and Our Lady.

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A Mistery of Curriers

In medieval London, crafts or trades were often called ministeria (Latin), mestiers (French) or misteries (English). The curreours appear on a list of ‘divers misteries’ of London.

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First Set of Ordinances

On 13 September 1415, the mayor and aldermen of London ratified a limited set of ordinances presented by the mistery of Curriers.

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First Evidence for a Company of Curriers

In 15th-century London it became increasingly common for misteries and craft fraternities to combine together. The earliest appearance of a Curriers’ ‘company’ on those terms can be dated to 1488.

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National Statute for the Regulation of the Leather Industry

A comprehensive national statute for the regulation of the leather industry orders the Curriers’ Company to appoint men to act as sealers and searchers of leather in London.

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Coat of Arms Granted

The coat of arms, together with its crest and supporters, was granted to the Company by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux King of Arms, in 1583.

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