Become a Member
Membership applications are welcome
The Master and Wardens welcome applications from anyone of good standing interested in joining the Livery. Men and women enjoy equal status as Liverymen.
Becoming a Liveryman of the Curriers' Company opens the door to many interesting experiences and opportunities that can help to enrich lives and careers in ways that are different from those on offer from other mainstream clubs and organisations.
Benefits of Membership
- Membership of a small company with a strong sense of purpose and belonging that nurtures many friendships and connections.
- The opportunity to meet and dine with senior figures and business leaders, and to develop a wide range of contacts with other Livery Companies and the wider City Corporation.

- A social Currier calendar that provides formal and semi-formal dinners with guests in different City livery halls, as well as less formal dinners, occasional drinks parties and the opportunity to attend pageants, events and ceremonies in unique surroundings.
- Visits - occasional and annual visits to places of interest, whether historical, cultural or educational, from leather to arts, crafts, drama and music. Even battlefield and wine tasting tours abroad.

- The opportunity to represent the Curriers at a variety of social and sporting events eg: golf, clay-pigeon shooting, cricket, etc.
- Access to lunch at other livery halls, attend luncheons hosted by other Livery Companies, or even join the City Livery Club.
- For those interested, unrivalled opportunity to be promoted to senior status within the Company, to become involved in the civic life of the City and to assist in supporting the Mayoralty and the Corporation in all its spheres of activity.

How to Become a Member
There are several ways by which prospective members can apply to join the Worshipful Company of Curriers, initially as a Freeman and then as a Liveryman.
Admissions to the Freedom of the Company may be by
- Patrimony (Family links)
- Servitude (Apprenticeship)
- Redemption (Introduction)
The most common route to membership is by Redemption and the steps to achieve this are detailed below.
Step 1
To join the Livery you must be sponsored by two or more Liverymen to whom you are well known. You should also attend some Company functions with your sponsor to get an idea of how the Livery works, who the senior members are and what is to be expected of you.
If you then wish to seek membership, you should obtain an application form through your sponsor. Once you and your sponsor have completed this form, it should be returned to the Clerk.
The Clerk will then submit your application to the Livery Committee and, assuming you are deemed a suitable candidate, you will be invited to meet with the Clerk and a member of the Livery Committee for an initial discussion and briefing on the Company and the Freedom of the City of London.
Following this initial meeting, and after the Livery Committee has considered your written application, you will be invited to interview by the Livery Committee. This will be a formal interview which is often immediately followed by an informal discussion.
After interview, the Livery Committee will recommend to the Court of Assistants whether or not a candidate’s application should proceed.

Step 2
Assuming that the Court approves your application, the Clerk will then arrange for you to be admitted to the Freedom of the Company at a subsequent Court meeting.
Having been admitted to the Freedom of the Company, you will be eligible to be admitted to the Freedom of the City of London (if not already Free of the City). The Clerk will advise on the procedure
Step 3
Once you are a Freeman of the Company and have been admitted to the Freedom of the City of London, you are eligible for election to the Livery of the Company. Admission to the Livery is by the invitation of the Court.
The Admission (or Clothing) takes place at a full meeting of the Court and immediately precedes the dinner being held the same day.
Once you have been clothed with the Livery of the Company, you are a Liveryman (full member).

What is a Currier?
A Currier is a specialist in the leather industry. Currying is one of the ancient and essential leather processes of cleaning, scraping, stretching and finishing hides, by oiling, waxing or colouring to the desired surface finish after the tanning process.
Get In Touch
Enquiries about The Company should be addressed to the Clerk, Giles Whitaker.
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